Painting the Feral Trolls from The Legend Of Drizzt Board Game

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I have finally finished my next miniature painting adventure from The Legend Of Drizzt board game: two feral trolls.

These trolls were more of a challenge to me than the Balor from the same game for two main reasons. Firstly, I found there was a general lack of muscle detailing over the troll skin resulting in me having to create a lot of detail with my paint layering. Secondly, I do not have much experience painting large blocks of green, so the getting the colour choice for the skin was a trial.

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Painting the Balor from The Legend Of Drizzt Board Game


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This year I was lucky enough to receive The Legend Of Drizzt board game as a gift for my Birthday. I was overjoyed when I opened it and found the variety of miniatures provided for playing. My immediate favourite was The model of Errtu, the Balor game boss.

I am looking forward to using this Balor outside of the board game for the homebrew D&D campaign I am running. I imagine the looks on my players faces when I plonk this guy down on the table after my big bad evil summons them.


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