Skitarii and Sicarian Infiltrators

I have finally gotten around to taking photos of my Mechanicus squads, but unfortunately, these were taken in full sun and haven’t turned out very well. I can’t motivate myself to retakes these pictures, but I will try harder in future to avoid the brightest parts of the day.


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The two most difficult things I found with these models was finding a good method for the blue glowy effect and painting the cream detail on the robe edges. I’m pretty happy with my blue method, which was painted white with very watered down Hoeth Blue and edge highlighting with white again. The robe detail ended up being very shaky, but I think it is okay at a tabletop distance.

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In addition, here are my Sicarian Infiltrators. The detail on these models is quite amazing, and edge highlighting was very satisfying as it brought these models to a level that I’m very proud of.

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I hope to post my Armies on parade board that features these models. I’ll get around to it eventually…

Thank you for reading!

House Raven Armiger Warglaives


“Don’t talk to me or my sons ever again”

After the race of painting my Mechanicus and Knights for this years Armies on Parade, I am finally able to share my painted Armigers who shall serve as squires for Lord Grevan when he pilots Ferrous Maximus.

I have a bad habit of painting things according to the box art and web store pictures because when considering purchases I generally end up falling in love with the scheme shown as I look at it again and again. This, combined with my adoration for House Raven and the design of Ferrous Maximus, has led to the paint scheme on these Warglaives.

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Imperial Knight Warden Ferrous Maximus

When the Imperial Knights Renegade box came out I couldn’t resist picking one up with how good of a deal it was for two Imperial Knights with a Knight Warden sprue and some nice terrain. I procrastinated for a while on beginning assembly as I knew I wanted to magnetise the weapon parts to cater to my indecisiveness.

The large task of learning to magnetise things and painting such a large model was very daunting but now that I have finished I think all the effort was worth it. I followed the guide from the blog From The Fang found here. Additionally, I added some magnets to the alternative face plates and shoulder shields for maximum variations. My fingers were coated in a thin later of superglue and I had a lot of frustrating moments with magnets that kept coming loose over and over despite the glue being dry. Gel superglue ended up saving the day with the thicker viscosity and nicer applicator being easier to control.

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